How You Can Help

HomeGrown Stories is a multi-year project, which will establish a wealth of information about the beginnings of domestic cannabis culture and cultivation in the Pacific NW. As the stigma against cannabis continues to erode and the benefits of this remarkable plant are researched and validated, these historical records will become invaluable to researchers and the general public.

I funded the Pre-Production part of the project myself. Through the generosity of some close friends, who have watched as I have dedicated myself to this project, I raised $15,000. These funds have paid some legal fees; covered the expenses for the production of the Sizzle Reel; allowed me to travel; and provided for the development of the HomeGrown Art Cards. None of these funds have paid for my time, which I still donate to the project. It has been a labor of love, but to record extensive interviews in various communities using a cameraman and HD media; transcribe and index the recordings; digitize all the personal documents and photographs; store the materials; and help establish a network of museums and archives, it is going to take the generosity of many people who also believe that saving this history is an important endeavor.

To accomplish the initial goals for the project, I have budgeted $100,000.
– Crew records 25 interviews throughout northern California and western Oregon. Logistics, equipment and crew time; approximately 6 weeks – $75,000
– Transcribing, indexing and digitizing documents and photographs; working with MOHAI and other institutions to make materials available – $25,000.


Here are ways you can you can help make this project a success.

  1. Donate through Seattle’s Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI). If you want to receive a tax deduction for your support, please click the “MOHAI” button below and follow the simple instructions. MOHAI, which is a 501(c)(3) organization, has very generously decided not to take an administrative fee and so your whole donation will go directly to HomeGrown Stories. Please remember to put “Restricted to HomeGrown Stories” in the comments section at the bottom of the MOHAI donation page. When you have completed your donation, please click the back arrow at the top of your browser to return to the HomeGrown Stories website.
  2. Donate to HomeGrown Stories directly. We cannot offer you any tax benefits, but your donation is greatly appreciated and we’ll send you some HomeGrown Art Cards as a perk for your donation. Click on the “HomeGrown Stories” button below. When you have completed your donation, please click the back arrow at the top of your browser to return to the HomeGrown Stories website.
  3. Buy a truckload of cards or just a few. It all helps and by using the cards, it spreads the word about the Project to others around the country. Click on “HomeGrown Art Cards” below.
  4. Send out the link to this website to all your friends.
  5. Send out the link to our Etsy Shop to all your friends.
  6. Send a personal message to people who you feel would like to support this project.
  7. Send HomeGrown Stories contact info to people who you think might be willing to tell their stories.
  8. Send HomeGrown Stories the names of any stores that might want to sell HomeGrown Art Cards.

In gratitude for your donation, whether through the museum or direct to HomeGrown Stories, you will receive a thank you on one of our HomeGrown Art Greeting Cards designed by artist Patricia Broderick.

Buy HomeGrown Art Cards

Donate Through MOHA